The 2023 Book Madness competition is on! Fill out your bracket in your Language Arts class, and vote each week to move books forward in the bracket.
March 8-17 - All brackets must be filled out and turned in to Ms. Sofferman before the end of the day on March 17th.
ALSO March 8-17th - First round of voting
March 20-24th - Second round of voting
March 27-31st - Third round of voting
April 3-7th - Final round of voting - winners announced!
One student and one staff member who gets the ENTIRE bracket correct will win a prize (Amazon Gift Card). If more than one person gets the whole bracket correct we will draw a name.
One name will be drawn each week from the students who vote to win a smaller prize. You can vote even if you know your bracket has lost.
See the bracket below, and use this link to vote this week (or vote on the Library Google Classroom).
Which book do you think will win it all this year?